Music, with its ethereal melodies and rhythmic harmonies, transcends language barriers to speak directly to the soul. It is a universal language that resonates within us, evoking emotions, memories, and experiences. From the soothing strains of a classical symphony to the pulsating beats of contemporary pop, music has the power to transport us to distant realms or ground us in the present moment.

The inclusion of music in the curriculum at BJEM School enables students to share their innermost ideas and emotions with audiences worldwide. The institution boasts a top-notch music staff to help students succeed in the discipline. It features well-equipped music classrooms with integrated microphone systems, whiteboards for visual learning, and a variety of instruments, including the harmonium, keyboard, tabla, trango, guitar, and violin. Students are taught a variety of musical genres by their teachers, including devotional, patriotic, classical, and semi-classical songs. They are also given the opportunity to compete in district,

state and national level reality shows. The benefits of including music into the educational curriculum are manifold. It increases academic achievement, develops creativity, sharpens cognitive abilities, and advances social and emotional growth.

Music can change the world because it can change people.” - Bono


Dancing is an intense passion that combines musical pulses and rhythm with the spirit.

BJEM School consistently clears the way for students to develop their talents in a variety of skills via commitment, perseverance, diligence, and optimism. In addition, our school places a strong emphasis on extracurricular activities. Our youthful, vivacious hearts can discover their inner gifts through these pursuits. Among these pursuits, "Dance" is the one that best fosters

our developing souls’ capacity for artistic expression.

There are two well-equipped dance activity rooms at our school, each with a maximum capacity of fifty students. Our three dynamic and gifted teaching members are proficient in a variety of dance styles. Our focus is on modern, folk, semi-classical, and classical dance styles. Every Saturday, in addition to our regular dance lessons, we hold Special Dance Activity lessons to

Further propel the talents of our young dancers.

Additionally, our school offers a variety of platforms for our students to compete in intra-school and inter-school dance competitions at the state and national levels respectively. Our primary goal is to use different dance forms to instil the values for our culture and traditions among the burgeoning souls.

Odissi is not a mere dance form to entertain people but to inspire and elevate. I don’t actually dance but pray in compassion and the spectators say that this `form’ is dancing.”

---Kelucharan Mohapatra

(Padma Vibhushan Awardee)