1. All students must come to school in time(i.e. 10.20 a.m.) and attend the Assembly and classes regularly.After the gates are closed,no clild will be allowed inside the school.
2. It is obligatory on the part of every student to bring the diary everyday and note down the home assignments and important information regularly.
3. The students should be well behaved, polite and respectful to all the teachers and other members of the staff in the school and outside.
4. All the students must come to school in the prescribed uniform. Those coming in improper uniform shall not be allowed to attend the classes.
5. Whenever a student wants a short leave, he/she should get it in writing from the parent / guardian concerned. The names of such students shall be struck off the rolls on being absent continuously for 15 days without information.
6. All the students should bring with them only books, exercise books, etc., necessary for the day. Carrying any other articles like musical instruments, calculators, toys, firecrackers, firearms, objectionable books, mobile phones with them to school are strictly prohibited.
7. The students should take care of their belongings. They should not bring any valuable articles. Students are advised not to wear any jewellery or ornaments to school. The School takes no responsibility in case of loss or theft of such articles.
8. The students should keep their bicycles, mopeds, etc. in the school cycle stand and not in front of the school building. The school takes no responsibility for theft of scooters, motor cycles, motor, bicycle etc., parked in the premises of the school.
9. The warning bell before classes and assembly is a sign for all to go to their class rooms and assembly ground respectively. This should be done silently.
10. On school days including all functions, children should wear the School Uniform.
11. Speaking in English is a must in the school premises to acquire greater fluency in the language. Parents are requested to encourage their children to speak in English at home too.
12. Students are not allowed to meet outsiders during school hours without the permission of the Principal/Vice Principal.
13. The students are not allowed to leave the school premises during the school hours without the written permission of the Principal. In such cases the students will be marked absent in the attendance register.
14. A student suffering from any communicable disease should not come to school until he / she becomes perfectly okay.
15. Students who once opt for Computer Science shall have to pay computer Fees for the whole year. 16. Tuition fees for the months of February and March shall, however, be paid by February 15th, failing which, the names of the defaulters shall be struck off the rolls.
17. If the name of a student is struck off the rolls for any reason, he/she shall be readmitted only once.
18. Fee Card must be produced at the counter for monthly payment. 19. Please ensure that the necessary entries are duly filled in the Fee Card by the person concerned at the School Bank Counter after every payment.
20. Duplicate Fee Card will be issued on payment of Rs.10/-.
21. Read the rules and guidelines printed on the Fee Card.
22. Laboratory caution money is collected from the students of Classes IX, X, XI and XII which is not refundable.
23. Railway concession can be issued only from Bhubaneswar to the place of residence as recorded in the Admission Register according to the rules. Request for Railway Concession Form must be made in writing a month before.
24. No student will be allowed to change his/her subjects after the 30th April of the session.
25. Students should be in the school premises at least 10 minutes before the first bell of the day.
26. Late comers will not be allowed to attend the classes on the same day.
27. The students are expected to keep their hair tidy and neatly combed. Girls should plait their hair properly and use white ribbons for tying the hair. They must not wear fancy hair clips or ear rings. Boys must have their hair cut regularly.
28. Nails should be trimmed regularly and application of nail polish is not allowed.
29. Students are expected to remain clean and tidy in their school dress, and take proper care of their books and belongings.
30. Students are strictly forbidden to purchase any article of food from unauthorized dealers at or near the school premises.
31. No student shall be exempted from Physical Exercise and Games without a Doctor's certificate and prior approval of the school authorities.
32. Irregular attendance, habitual want of application, insubordination to teachers and any kind of cheating or serious misconduct or any habit or behaviour objectionable to the good name of the school are sufficient reasons for punishment, even dismissal from school.
33. In Std-VI to XII if a student remains absent for more than 3 days without prior permission, one mark will be deducted per day. The deduction may be either from the Unit Test or Terminal Examination.
34. Students must join the school on the reopening day. They are liable to lose two marks in their examination for breach of this rule in addition to the stipulated fine. (only for students of Class IX to XII)
35. Permission to go home after the unit test or otherwise during the school hours or permission to write only the test and remain absent from school for the rest of the time will not be granted. On any condition students will not be sent home alone. No leave for marriages and social functions will be granted.
36. The books and note books should be neatly covered only with laminated brown sheets.
37. Silence is to be observed throughout the school hours and also while changing from one class to another.
38. Attendance for the day will be given if the student attends all the classes from 10.40 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. except for those who go to attend competitions only on producing the required document.
Student's Diary
The Diary is to be carried to school everyday. It is good as an entry pass. It is to be used by the pupils, teachers and parents. Important information, Notices, Practice assignments are to be noted down regularly by the students. Parents are required to be in touch with the school diary regularly as it establishes a strong communication link between the school and the parents. 

School Timings
Monday to Saturday
Lower Nursery to UN                              : 6.45 am to 9.45 am and 6.45 am to 10.00 am respectively 
(in the Primary block)
Class I, II & III                                           : 10.20 am to 3.50 pm Monday to Friday
Saturday Timing :
Class I, II & III                                           : 10.20 am to 2.00 pm
(Student's Activity Day) Std-IV to X        : 10.20 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Class XI & XII                                           : 7.00 a.m. to 1.20 p.m.

Library Rules & Regulations
1. All students and members of the staff are the members of the Library-cum-reading room.
2. Students must maintain absolute silence in the Library. Each one should have one book / magazine for reading. Discussion / sharing of information / asking or talking is not allowed in the reading room.
3. Diary, library copy and pen must be with the students in their library periods. They are not allowed to do any class work / homework during the periods.
4. Students' personal belongings, i.e., bags, lunch boxes etc., must be kept outside the Library.
5. Students of Class VI to Class VIII are allowed to borrow only one book per ticket and can retain it for fourteen days only. Students of Class IX to Class XII are allowed to borrow two books for fourteen days.

Rules for issuing Books:
(a) Issue and return of books will be done fortnightly.
(b) If the book borrowed is not returned to the librarian on the due date, a fine of Re. 1/- per day will be levied.
(c) Reference books and current magazine will not be issued under any circumstances.
(d) For loss of any book, the student I staff will have to refund 10 times of its present cost with a suitable penalty to be imposed by the principal.
(e) Administrative Books can be issued only to the administrative staff.
(f) Library books will be issued / returned during the library period of the respective class and session.
(g) Restriction on issue of number of books.
(i) Students of class IX, X, XI and XII (Table two books at a time)
(ii) Students of other classes. (One book)

School Cycle Stand
The School has a permanent cycle stand. Students who want to keep their bicycles / bikes deposit Rs.180/- @ Rs. 15/- per month) for bicycles and Rs. 240/- @ Rs. 20/- per month) for bike at the time of re-admission at the school bank counter and obtain a yearly pass from the school office. Daily coupons are issued at the time of entry on producing the yearly pass and collected it back at the time of dispersal. 

Code of Conduct: School Bus
1. While waiting for the bus / van, pupils should observe good manners and good behaviour. Playing at the bus stops is not allowed.
2. Students must observe queue system to get into the bus / van.
3. Students should neither put their hand or head out while travelling, nor should they fight with, push and pull each other in the bus/van.
4. Pupils should be courteous, good mannered and well disciplined in the bus I van.
5. The senior students should look into the seating arrangements of the younger children before they are seated.
6. Bus seats and cushions should not be damaged by tearing the seat cover or dumping the bags on them.
7. Students must speak in English in the bus and at stops and obey the bus leaders / conductors.
8. They must carry the bus pass daily and should show it to the conductor whenever asked for.