School Examination
As per the directives of CBSE, the school has adopted Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) for all classes from Std. I to Std. X w.e.f. 2011-12 session. This system comprises of two terms in a year with two numbers of observation test / formative assessment and one Time Bound Assessment / Summatie Assessment in each term.
1. A pupil absent from any of the examinations without valid reasons and without prior permission will not be considered for promotion to the next higher class. Even if absent with prior permission, no re-examination will be conducted. Students who represent the school for some competition or programme with the permission of the Principal may be exempted. However, those who represent in State and National events from the school will have to reappear the periodical examinations. Minimum marks for promotion to the next class will be 40% in each subject.
2. Delay in payment of fees debars a pupil from sitting for any examination.
3. Progress Card sent to the parents must be returned to the school duly signed within three days of the receipt of the progress card.
4. 75% attendance is essential to be eligible to appear in the Annual Examination. 15% attendance may be condoned at the discretion of the Principal only on medical grounds.
5. Unauthorised absence from examinations is punishable with a fine of Rs.2/- per day for the entire examination period, save on the grounds of illness for which prior permission is to be taken from the Principal.
6. A student failing twice in the same class shall have to leave the school.
7. All Oral Tests prior to the examination will be held in the fortnight before the examination.
8. A student found adopting malpractice in any of the examinations will be awarded zero in the concerned subject.

General Promotion Rule
1. A student must have 75% of attendance to be considered for promotion. However 15% of attendance may be condoned at the discretion of the Principal onmedical grounds. Hence, a student with less than 60% of attendance will not be considered for promotion.
2. Every student is required to get a qualifying grade D or above in all the subjects excluding additional subject as per scheme of study for the purpose of promotion to next class.
3. A student getting E1 or E2 grade in scholastic ares in one or more subjects will have to improve his /her performance in one subsequent attempt to obtain qualifying Grade D in these subjects.
4. If a student fails to obtain qualifying grade D in one or more subjects, even after adding grade points from co- scholastic areas and after availing one improvement chance, he / she will be required to repeat the same class during next academic year.
5. It is mandatory to appear in both Summative Assessments during the academic year.

Filling Up Forms For Board Examination
Filling up the form for admission to the All India Secondary School/Senior School Certificate Examination and payment of fees thereof does not necessarily ensure a candidate to appear in the Board's Final Examination. The Admit Card will not be issued to a student, if he/she is not found eligible at the end of Class X / XII and in such cases it will be returned to the Board according to the rules. 

Students of Class X and XII are required to clear the tuition fees up to December at the time of filling up forms for the CBSE Board Examination and the fees for the remaining months must be deposited before the issue of Admit Cards.